
Happy faces collage

Every number has a face – especially during a crisis!

Anyone who had been keeping up with the media’s reports of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will likely have heard lots of numbers being thrown around. These numbers may have included the value of wealth slashed from global stock markets, the reduced interest rates which central banks have introduced in a bid to inspire market confidence, and projected unemployment rates which countries are likely to grapple with when the crisis is over.

These numbers are critically important for entrepreneurs, business owners and business decision-makers, as they provide a forecast, even if rudimentary, of what their respective industries will look like in a post-COVID-19 world. To be sure, it is important for people to keep tabs on these figures. But, it is even more important for us, from a social and a community perspective, to look beyond the data to see the faces being impacted in a very real way by these numbers.

Behind the numbers that tell us how many health workers are fighting the pandemic, there are faces of doctors and nurses who are concerned about their own safety and the safety of their families. Behind the rising unemployment numbers are faces of people who worry about how they will be able to provide for their families. Behind the inventory figures of supermarkets and pharmacies, are the faces of people with families to feed and sick relatives to care for. Behind the numbers of cash flows and liquidity are the faces of individuals who are seeing their rainy-day savings accounts being wiped out a little bit each day. And behind the dollar values of government stimulus packages, there are faces of people who desperately need support, not just from the state, but from their family members and from their friends.

As the world braces for what might be a prolonged fight against this pandemic, we must remember that every number has a face, and that every face has a story to tell. Only by truly listening to the stories of these individuals will we find the best possible ways to offer a helping hand to those in need.

Sad mature man consoling young patient. Father is embracing while sitting with sick daughter. They are on hospital bed at ward.

We may not be able to donate thousands of dollars to assist in the fight against COVID-19 as many celebrities and wealthy persons have done, but we all can do something to contribute numbers of our own to the conversation. We can count the number of encouraging words we give to our families, spouses and friends, and the number of comforting words we can give to those whose health may have been affected by the pandemic. We can multiply the smiles of people we know by sharing a silly joke. We can add to the number of meals being donated to the homeless by the several church and community groups who have made this their mission. And, we can count the number of loved ones that we care for and the blessings that we still have even during this crisis. You may not know it at the time, but these numbers may be just what someone needs to make their day.

So, yes, keep an eye on the economic numbers that are relevant to the future of our financial lives, but keep the other eye on how you can positively impact the largest number of lives in your personal and professional circles.

Picture of About Ron Johnson

About Ron Johnson

Ron Johnson is the author of the book Tighten Your Shoelaces and the co-founder of Blueprint Creative, the world’s first Bhranding, communications and design agency.

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